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Meet Your Doula

Brynne Capps Canozo

Birth can be an empowering and transformative experience. It was for me. I am committed to empowering birthing families by helping them have the birth they choose.

I am a potter and a sculptor, also do lots of other handwork projects. I currently have chickens, milk goats, and two cats, and hopefully many other animals in the future. I love plants, and am learning more about sustainably raising my own food. I am also wholeheartedly committed to building intentional community. My kids and I participate in a weekly forest school and Waldorf homeschool co-op, and our family enjoys eating regular meals with friends.

I grew up in Northern California in the middle of nowhere with lots of siblings, animals, music, and homegrown everything. I studied art and music in college and always appreciated themes of maternity and birth. I married my sweetheart Gabriel in 2016 and we now have 3 boys on our own urban homestead.

As part of my art studies, I began searching for the Divine Feminine, and soon it became a deep spiritual journey for me. I watched my sisters become mothers and was drawn towards birth, recognizing that this was a powerful manifestation of the divine. The birth of my first son confirmed all of those feelings.

During my pregnancy, I did everything I could to prepare for birth, reading all of the books, taking the Curtis Method Hypnobirthing class, practicing deep relaxation every night, and visualizing my birth with excitement. When the day finally came, everything happened extremely fast. Labor and birth were way more intense than I could have ever imagined and by the time I held my baby in my arms, I was fundamentally changed. My two subsequent births were also sacred and powerful, at home and surrounded by trusted and loving family and friends. In those moments after birth, I knew myself as the most powerful being I had ever been.

That power is what I want for every birthing person.

In 2019, I trained as a Curtis Method hypnodoula. I have also passionately worked to bring women together by facilitating women’s circles and participating in many community building efforts. Birth work is a lifelong endeavor— part of a greater continuum of supporting and empowering women and humanity—to which I am deeply dedicated.

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Utah County, UT

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